Monday 24 October 2011

Summary of nearly 20 years of Hell

Looking back, one can see a certain pattern appearing upon the stage. The climate and behavior between people have in those years drastically become worse and much can be blamed on the internet.
People are sitting in their private rooms and do their best to reach fame.

From that point of view, I will tell my true story here:

My background: I was born 1946 in Stockholm.
At the age of 3, my parents took ower grandpa´s farm and from that day we had horses both for breeding and fore sale. I spent my time with the horses as there were no kids around to play with.
When I was eighteen I moved back to Stockholm for work. I had been drawing horses since I was 3 years old. I was very interested in breeding and pedigree research from my early teenth and I was reading all I could find and knew almost every warmblood family and the performance ability in the families through crossing certain lines. When Ego Boy died, I list the interest in the Warmblood horses and turned to the Arabian Horses instead.

I visited several Arabian Horse Shows for many years and bought the studbooks available. My old pedigree-interest was now activated again in a new breed but the interest in the science of heredity was still the same!

1992 I visitid family in the US and I had planed to visit Arabian Horse breeders, Native People to study their art and a lot of other interesting projects. After a week I arrived in Santa Fee....

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